Orders sent Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.  This helps to preserve the delicious flavours, by not having orders sitting in courier depots over a weekend.  Thanks for your patience.

My kefir or kombucha is not fizzy. Is it safe to drink?

Absolutely. The fizz is a by-product of our two-step fermentation process and is not a necessity. You may find the drink gets fizzier the closer the kefir or kombucha gets to its best-before date, when the probiotics have had more time to feed on the prebiotics. Some of our customers prefer it to be fizzy, while others prefer no fizz. If you would like to increase the fizz, you can try leaving it out on the bench for the day to speed up the fermentation process. If you would like to get rid of the fizz, you can try releasing the cap often until the fizz diminishes.

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© Copyright Dannic Drinks
Silverdale, New Zealand